How to Manage Concurrent Users in aiTest

Concurrent users in aiTest

  • aiTest, your advanced testing platform, provides a powerful feature called the ‘userCount’ variable, which allows you to seamlessly handle concurrent users during your automation testing.
  • The ‘userCount’ variable in aiTest empowers QA engineers to simulate real-world scenarios by creating multiple concurrent users during automation testing. By carefully managing these users, you can validate the application’s performance, functionality, and data integrity under various load conditions.

How to manage Concurrent users in aiTest?

Java code to set concurrent users as environment variable

  • Java snippet code
    Integer userIndex = Integer.parseInt(System.getenv("USER_INDEX"));
	  driver.findElement("username")).sendKeys("Omkarjodh" + userIndex);

Python code to set concurrent users as environment variable

  • Python snippet code
    user_index = int(os.getenv("USER_INDEX"))
    username = "Omkarjodh" + str(user_index)
    username_field = driver.find_element(By.ID, "userName")


Questions answered

  • How to manage Concurrent users in aiTest?


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