How to use Rest Assured Framework in aiTest


This How-To provides detailed instructions on integrating and using the Rest Assured Framework for API automation testing within aiTest. It covers the setup process, configuration, and execution steps. Rest Assured is a powerful Java testing framework for RESTful APIs, offering a user-friendly DSL for writing clear and maintainable tests. Using aiTest to run Rest Assured enables you to execute tests across parallel and concurent users ranging upto 30k users API calls running for performance, API

Supported Languages

  • Java

How Rest Assured Framework is used in aiTest

The Rest Assured framework run through aiTest benefits through the SaaS model where adding real user load is easy as modifying run configuration. Reaching upto 30K user API calls. The application provides performance, load test test types for running your application.

Benefits of using aiTest to Run Rest Assured through Performance test.

The benefits of Load testing in aiTest include:

  1. Load testing helps validate the performance of an application or system under realistic conditions.
  2. aiTest’s load testing feature helps businesses pinpoint performance bottlenecks and breakpoints before product release.
  3. Leverage aiTest’s functional test automation for streamlined testing processes and instant performance feedback.
  4. aiTest’s fully managed cloud network ensures efficient load tests without costly infrastructure investments.

Steps to Use Rest Assured Framework in aiTest

  1. Sign Up:
    • Register using your email or Google account.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard:
    • Once signed in, go to the API Test dashboard from the left menu section.
  3. Create a Test:
    • Click the Create Test button.
  4. Configure Your Test:
    • Name the Testrun: Assign a descriptive name to the testrun, e.g., Rest Assured API test.
    • Project:
      • Select an existing project or create a new one by clicking the red plus sign (+) button.
    • Testrun Description:
      • Write a description to make your testrun more informative.
    • Framework Selection
      • From the given option Automation selection, please select Rest Assured according to the automation.
    • Automation Code:
      • Your Automation Code:
        • Upload your automation code in a zip file.
    • Testrun Command:
      • Java : Example command
        mvn test -Denv=Dev_KlarityAPI
    • Report Location: Supported report file tyoe .xml
      • Specify where to store the testrun report files, e.g., target/surefire-reports/TEST-TestSuite.xml.
  5. Select Load Configuration:
    • Please Refer to the following how-to guide for passing load configuration : Load Configuration
  6. Run or Save the Test:
    • Run It Now:
      • Immediately run the automation code to test browser compatibility.
    • Save:
      • Save the configuration for a later run as a draft testrun.
    • Cancel:
      • Reset and go back to the previous page.
    • Update:
      • Update the configurations and run the new test.

Questions Answered

  • How Rest Assured Framework is going to be used in aiTest?


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