How to use Rest Assured Framework in aiTest
How to use Rest Assured Automation Framework in aiTest.
Knowledge Base for aiTest
By supporting the Testcafe Framework within aiTest, you can extend the platform’s capabilities and offer a more comprehensive testing solution. These features contribute to improved software quality, increased testing efficiency, and better user satisfaction.
npx testcafe "chrome:headless --no-sandbox" tests/ -e --reporter json:reports/report.json
, Report/Test_Report.json
and Report/Test_Report.xml
Use the code snippet provided below:
import * as constants from "../resources/constants";
import * as userRoles from "../utils/roles.js";
import LoginPage from '../pages/login.js';
const loginPage = new LoginPage();
.meta('regression', 'true');
// /**
// * Dashboardpage Test Scenarios
// * 1. DashboardPage with "Trending Blogs"
// * 2. DashboardPage with Youtube.
// * 3. DashboardPage with eBooks.
// * 4. DashboardPage with AI Generated Blogs AI.
// */
test(`Youtube present on dashboard should success`, async t => {
await t.useRole(userRoles['Youtube']);
await t.expect(loginPage.youtubeTitle.exists).ok('Youtube Title is present on page');
test(`Trending Blogs present on dashboard should success`, async t => {
await t.useRole(userRoles['TrendingBlogs']);
await t.expect(loginPage.trendingBlogsTitle.exists).ok('Trending Blogs Title is present on page');
test(`AI Generated Blogs present on dashboard should success`, async t => {
await t.useRole(userRoles['AIGeneratedBlogsAI']);
await t.expect(loginPage.aiGeneratedblogsTitle.exists).ok('AI Generated Blogs Title is present on page');
test(`eBooks present on dashboard should success`, async t => {
await t.useRole(userRoles['eBooks']);
await t.expect(loginPage.eBooksTitle.exists).ok('eBooks Title is present on page');
path to the global PATH environment variable.